Peter Eliades SMC Update 10-15-20


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Absolutely wonderful that your son will be a priest in the Greek Orthodox Church. What a great tradition of faith!


Congratulations for your son, Peter ? Thanks for such consistently in-depth and thoughtful analysis of the markets!


Thanks Peter for another great update! I am not able to find the NQ.D offsets that you showed tonight... it says in your statistics that its a 45.5/52 offset? I am not familiar with that offset as the equivalent of a 3.5/4 on the daily is 52.5/60 offset on the NQ.D 27 minute and I don't see this downside projection in my program. Thanks!


congratulations on your son's ascension in the Church !


First of all: Congratulations to your son and to the whole family. We need more devoted men!

Second: I have the same issue as jwkim33366 mentioned. The offset you discussed in the commentary is not a standard one for the 27 min chart and if I enter the offsets manually, I don't get the same projection you did. Can you make a video on why this difference happens?

Peter Eliades
Peter Eliades

jwkim33366 said:

Thanks Peter for another great update! I am not able to find the NQ.D offsets that you showed tonight... it says in your statistics that its a 45.5/52 offset? I am not familiar with that offset as the equivalent of a 3.5/4 on the daily is 52.5/60 offset on the NQ.D 27 minute and I don't see this downside projection in my program. Thanks!

Good catch! That was my mistake. The 45.5/52 offsets are for the 30 min cash charts...

Peter Eliades
Peter Eliades

usit0798 said:

First of all: Congratulations to your son and to the whole family. We need more devoted men!

Second: I have the same issue as jwkim33366 mentioned. The offset you discussed in the commentary is not a standard one for the 27 min chart and if I enter the offsets manually, I don't get the same projection you did. Can you make a video on why this difference happens?

See response below to jwkim

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