Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles for almost 50 years. This app, Eliades Cycle Price Projections, is the culmination of his half century of research and refinement of the JM Hurst theory of market cycle price projections. Peter’s price projection refinements have proved to be an invaluable guide to him through his decades of stock market analysis. His theories have been converted to software in the past, but have lacked the precision that Peter was seeking. In 2018, Peter was introduced to trader/programmer Steffen Scheuermann ( by his long-term market buddy and colleague Larry Williams. Within a few weeks, Peter realized the software refinements he had long sought for the computerization of his cycle projection theories were being realized by Steffen. This application is a result of the intense collaboration that has taken place between Peter and Steffen for over a year now. If you are a serious trader or market analyst, we believe you will find the Eliades Cycle Price Projections app an invaluable tool in your market endeavors.
Follow the free video updates to watch Peter use the app in current market situations.

The Continuum
The continuum comprises all possible offsets between the short and the long offset. The projections are based on the minimum and maximum possible crossing of the signal line with any offset position within the continuum. The following animation provides an intuition about how the continuum is designed.