Peter Eliades SMC Update 9-15-20


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I can't access this video.


Same here. Cant access the vid. Thanks


Vimeo is a paid subscription. Can’t watch either!


Can’t watch ....

Peter Eliades
Peter Eliades

Kit097 said:

I don't have a vimeo account and they are asking for a log in

Try again everyone!!! It should be fixed!! Peter


It is now fixed. I viewed it with no problem.


Thanks Peter. Great update


Great update as always Peter, thx!


Peter, the closing and median price projections are showing some divergences on SPX.
1) Median price has a positive projection for 1.75/2.0, but none with the corresponding closing price. 2) The 7.0/8.0 projection has been met using the median price, but not with the closing price. (If you adjusted with ATR, it could be considered as met.)
3) Both show much higher projections for the long term 96.8/110.6 interval

Any thoughts on the divergence and the longer term upside projections?
It seems like the price action in the next week is crucial, but those long term positive projections will still be in play unless there is a massive decline over the next several months. But if the market continues to consolidate for the next 2 weeks it seems like it could produce some higher projections in the short term.


Peter, for the last 2 days you've only shown daily price charts. There are higher projections on the shorter time frames; for example 3470 for SPX on the 65 minute chart (10.5/12 offset). I'm wondering if we should put much more emphasis on the daily charts? I use the shorter time frame charts for timing entries/exits.


srblack1960144 said:

Peter, for the last 2 days you've only shown daily price charts. There are higher projections on the shorter time frames; for example 3470 for SPX on the 65 minute chart (10.5/12 offset). I'm wondering if we should put much more emphasis on the daily charts? I use the shorter time frame charts for timing entries/exits.

Nice .. looks like it’s Ramp city then huh? IWM UP 1.6% WOW .. canary in the coal mine

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