Peter Eliades Special SMC Update Friday am 10-30-20


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Under 3271 the incumbent does not do good a market watch article says. Crazy market. 24.2 / 27.6 new lower projections and uppers negated. Those were 85% you recently said .. yikes !


Im trying to figure out how to use this service. If something may or may not happen how do you know when to enter a market? it could go lower or could log higher --anyone have any inputs otherwise this service wont help at all

Guido van Schagen
Guido van Schagen

To do without your updates in these turbulent times is very hard Peter, so please update us as soon as you can. Thank you.

Last updated

Peter Eliades
Peter Eliades

janemassey99885 said:

Im trying to figure out how to use this service. If something may or may not happen how do you know when to enter a market? it could go lower or could log higher --anyone have any inputs otherwise this service wont help at all

This is not an either/or 50/50 analysis, janemassy. Every projection comes with probability statistics and those statistics show you what the average maximum excursion is for every case evaluated within the database. That should give you something to work with in terms of potential entry levels that attempt to take advantage of high percentage projection possibilities

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