SMC Addendum to Week Ending Update 10-28-22 Recorded 10-30-22


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thanks for the addendum Peter. good information.


Thank you VERY much Peter, looking forward to a long update on Monday or Tuesday if the need arises.


Peter I’m sorry but it seems like you’re trying to find reasons to support your Bearish case and ignoring the obvious reasons for the bullish short term case. The run into the elections would be the obvious one. Just my 2 cents


Thanks for the special report. Happy you addressed the projection. Feels like every week is an important moment.


brian1469 said:

After looking at the web app. I think you can make a case for the YM being the best short set up.

It has hit all daily higher projections. It has hit it's weekly higher projections or close within a 100 points of the 5/5.01. Also hit it's upside 2.5/2.501 on the weekly

It still has it's weekly 10/10.1 starting target of 28, 148 on the downside.

YM only crept 2 pts within the window on the 24.2/27.6, though. It has over 700 points to the upper end of the same offset, however.


Thank you!


Thanks Peter. Not sure if some have the emotional resilience for a bear market. Thanks for your expert views to supplement the offset modelling, much appreciated.


brian1469 said:

Thanks for the special update Peter. I think everybody is getting twisted here because their are so many outside forces going on.

Would not be surprised if we go sideways for the week.

I still think we have a good shot for a November like they had in 1973. Then we finally bottom next year in October like they did in 1974. The absolute worst of this bear market is still vey much ahead

brian1469 said:

Thanks for the special update Peter. I think everybody is getting twisted here because their are so many outside forces going on.

Would not be surprised if we go sideways for the week.

I still think we have a good shot for a November like they had in 1973. Then we finally bottom next year in October like they did in 1974. The absolute worst of this bear market is still vey much ahead I was a young new broker in 1974. Final low was December 6, 1974. It slightly took out October low. There WAS NO BUYING The Dips then. People would hang up on brokers if you made a prospect call.


brian1469 said:

Thanks for the special update Peter. I think everybody is getting twisted here because their are so many outside forces going on.

Would not be surprised if we go sideways for the week.

I still think we have a good shot for a November like they had in 1973. Then we finally bottom next year in October like they did in 1974. The absolute worst of this bear market is still vey much ahead

brian1469 said:

Thanks for the special update Peter. I think everybody is getting twisted here because their are so many outside forces going on.

Would not be surprised if we go sideways for the week.

I still think we have a good shot for a November like they had in 1973. Then we finally bottom next year in October like they did in 1974. The absolute worst of this bear market is still vey much ahead


I was a young new broker in 1974. Final low was December 6, 1974. It slightly took out October low. There WAS NO BUYING The Dips then. People would hang up on brokers if you made a prospect call.


Won't change the MA much, but 1,440 minutes is 24 hours. Globex ES trades 23 hours (1,380 minutes).

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