Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles since at least 1974 when his cycles predicted the exact low week of December 9-13, 1974. In 2020, after decades of painstaking progress, Peter released the first fully implemented cycle price projection software, Eliades Cycle Price Projections. Through this website you will access the opportunity to be exposed to this software and his accompanying market commentary.
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Peter i don't get the focus on the NDX/DJIA ratio. Since the mid / late 90's the economy has been importantly transformed to become highly focused on digital technology. There has been stunning innovation giving rise to new, large companies. Wouldn't that technology shift in and of itself result in a rising ratio over time?
Peter - you missed the rally from October 2022 low and 3-4 months back blamed yourself for not looking closely enough at long term WEEKLY projections. Now again you are not paying any attention to long term weekly projections, 100-110 week still point to much higher levels in both ES and NQ futures - perhaps concentrating on those rather than the played out tune of nasdaq vs dow theory. How about looking at magnificent 7 and trying to figure out how high those can go before this run ends, as you yourself are admitting that's whats driving this market higher. Until they stop going higher this will not end. So, what are those projections not wasted time on some one off useless technicals.
There was discussion on small caps into the lows of late October 2023. You were adamant that the -34% drop from highs would lead- like in 2001-2003( WHICH IS NOT anything like today, still)- to down 50% down 70%. It has rallied 26% and you are still doubting all the rallies.And seem to remain as bearish as you were 3 months ago 10 months ago and 14 months ago. What do you possibly see that would lead to anything more than a small garden variety 3-6-8% correction?? One cant just say the same thing over and over and expect the downside to just appear. It is kind of wild. That is why, i typically watch these videos AFTER market.
You must be related to Peter as you never see anything either you specifically said We are still below the continuum
well - we are NOT . we are over IT !
And just like PETER when he said " well if it gets over 4400 Ill change my tune and listen - and he didnt
you too - YOU SAID it we get over 4776 ILL listen
BUT you dont you are the one busy YANKIN your JUNK cause you dont know how to see the projections
WHO IN their RIGHT mind would put 6 NICK FILTERS
WHY DONT U USE 10 ? omg
@@@@ SHEEP!!
THATS a great way to trade
IT makes everything look ROSY ! hhahahahahaa
my my such language
I think u need a nick filter with some soap in thy mouth Brian you say such nasty words oh it hurts my soul OUCH Another democrack cannot handle the truth that was laid out for them Another dem o Rat cannot handle simple discussions without getting triggereedddd !~!! OH MY !!
WELL lucky for you there is ONLY TOMORROW then the weekly continuum is done.. WE ONLY HAVE TO FALL 600 POINTS you incomplete ABORTION
utter stupidity
You simpolton
ADD A NICK FILTER - that would be 7
come on give some more of your passages
I FEEL we are at a top
I FEEL .. that 4775 is a TOP
I love when people say " FEEL "
that was a good one.
Guys, guys.....settle down, for the love of all that is good and holy! we should all try to contribute valid work. xxxspower has been ONLY one consistent on his work with projections and be positive. period. It is never " oh if u want to be bullish here is upside, OH, if you want to be catastrophic , look at all these downsides". it should be we follow the market, not make up ratios that have little if NO bearing on this market. THIS is not 2000 nor is it the 2021 high where companies that were never going to have earnings were leaders. THIS IS NOT THAT. Oh, and dont even get me started on Hussman.
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