SMC Update 1-8-24


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The following is pure speculation, on my part, and should NOT be construed as a forecast. It is simply a "two plus two equals ..." exercise, without consideration of whether or not this is the right equation to use, to model future events.

At 4min 21sec of this video, Peter shows the web chart version of the BTCUSD weekly 100 / 110 offset using a logarithmic price chart (and, thank you, Peter!) If you look closely in the upper right of the screen, you'll see a preliminary cycle projection of $115K which was given when the BTCUSD median line crossed the leading edge of the continuum.

To me, BTCUSD is just like any other currency -- EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD -- and the "big picture" shows when BTCUSD is up a lot, USD is down, and vice-versa. Take a look in the Web App, and compare the profile of the DXY (USD) against BTCUSD. Although they don't move in lock step, the major peaks of one are nearly coincident with the major troughs of the other, and vice-versa. So, if BTCUSD actually goes from where it is now to $115K, this implies the USD is going to collapse. How could this happen, and what does this mean for other assets, like equities?

Well, in my opinion USD has become one of the most inflated currencies in the entire world, and only the relative strength of the North American economy vs. the rest of the world, and relatively high North American interest rates have kept USD from collapsing already. Now, with a potential recession looming due to the fastest raising of US interest rates in history during 2023, what if some kind of "political interference" or "black swan" event were to happen in the 2024 election year which would further threaten the well-being of the North American economy?

Would the Fed cut interest rates to stimulate the economy? Uh, huh ... I think so!

And, this could be sufficient catalyst for USD to collapse, potentially causing the explosion of BTCUSD upwards. And, also likely an explosion of the stock market to the upside. This is the "melt-up" hyperinflationary scenario that some credible economic analysts have been talking about for the last year or so.

Again, pure speculation, at this point. But, requiring some serious thought by all of us on what to do, if this "melt-up" hyperinflationary scenario were to occur.

Further background material on recent developments with BRICS Plus and the impact on breaking up the hegemony on the US Petrodollar.

More background material for Bitcoin Spot Price ETF approvals by SEC, and future impact of USD inflation on Bitcoin prices:

And, no surprise to those of us following BTCUSD, the official SEC OK for spot price Bitcoin ETFs:

Last updated


Brian: Thanks, I'll have a look at the Gregg Webb video over the weekend.


brian1469 said:


OR The other evil like you prescribe do we get hyperinflation like the Zionists and the treaty of Versaille did to the Germans in between WWI and WWII. To me it feels like the Rothchild's and Epsteins of the world are taking us down this path. It is crazy how similar our society of today looks like Weimer

Whichever way it is. It will be done to steal everybody's wealth so they can usher in a new system.

I actually think they go more for the Great Taking it is much easier for them pull off. It explains how the federal Reserve Banks did it in the Great Depression. Crash everything and take everybody's assets and bring in a new system

Wait, is Epstein still alive??? Whaaat?? And with quite a bit of money-$560 million-- i dont think he ran the USA or the World. Not enough cash really


brian1469 said:

CS37 said:

Brian: Thanks, I'll have a look at the Gregg Webb video over the weekend.

It is super interesting. The guy is not trying to blow smoke he is trying to get the word out and gives a compelling case for it

Cool! I'll have a look.

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