SMC Update 10-31-23


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Anyone have clarity on this video ? Are we projecting a rally for another 1-2% or are we about to go down 8.95% ? We just rallied 2.2 % immediately after getting severely lower projections. Are you supposed to “BUY” on first glimpse of lower projections ? And then short more as they go up and play for the 3900 /3700 move ? Any additional clarity would be so helpful


Peter Since you believe in history repeating itself History says if market is up >10% through July ( which it was) and then down in August ( which it was ) then the remainder of year is up 100% of the time with avg gain of 9.9% Now with Sept & Oct down then market will have to rally even more in Nov/Dec


Like i asked: does anyone have any clarity off of today and past 3 days of "down, down, more down" BUT IF THEY are up, maybe we go much higher???? but still we are projecting down down ,more down. Maybe, just maybe u can short Nov 2. Major move again since Friday close. Higher lows, period. After watching video 3 more times, i see that the projection nailed the upside ( or at least where we got to on SPX). Hope everyone was positioned for that.

Last updated

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