SMC Update 11-09-23


Comments (9)
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Peter Eliades
Peter Eliades

Sorry for the temporary problems with the update. All should be OK now!!


Doing daily updates but never look at 30min Globex, unless there is big rally. Most days it's long term picture, That should be for the weekend updates.

Should look at Globex during the daily updates. SMH is one to look at, Similar to NDX chart.

Hope we see more Globex updates, It's how Hurst would have done


Can you discuss the % of times those Nasdaq Composite Downside projections are met?

And separately (or perhaps even on the same topic), when a projection becomes "overdue", what does history show tends to happen next? I've only been following for a year or 2 and haven't seen what happens with "overdue" projections.


MarketTiming01 said:

Peter .... hope at some point this DOW/NDX ratio works out ... unlike all the time you spent on the VIX and how that was a good indicator, it was not ...... and we all know what happen from Oct 2022 to July 2023 ... up up up ..... thanks again, this market continues to fool the most

NDX/DOW may prove to be wrong just like VIX. We just don't know. 17 weeks now. Lot longer then any other time. Is that the clue? Hope not More time is spent on Long term on daily update then need to be. Bitcoin has big down side projection. Not much use when it's gone to 37K from 20K.

NDX/DOW is back over 45. Wrong God or it will head south by days end?

Last updated


TOLD ALL YALL long on Monday.

What's another 200 /NQ among friends

Thanks 🍎!!!

have a nice weekend



Weekly will now have higher! Bear 🐻 stew being served


There it is 15550 I am out Thanks 300 pts Listen to the projections next time elides ...

No bear suit


XXSPOWER127 said:

There it is 15550 I am out Thanks 300 pts Listen to the projections next time elides ...

No bear suit

He will go back to his bad habits.


johngreen01554628 said:

XXSPOWER127 said:

There it is 15550 I am out Thanks 300 pts Listen to the projections next time elides ...

No bear suit

He will go back to his bad habits.

johngreen01554628 said:

XXSPOWER127 said:

There it is 15550 I am out Thanks 300 pts Listen to the projections next time elides ...

No bear suit

He will go back to his bad habits.

He will go on to something new .. like moons and eclipses and 45 trading days and 57 trading days ...

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