SMC Update 11-11-24


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Add to all of these concerns the Shiller PE ratio, which reached 38.3 today, just a tiny distance from it's recent high of 38.6 in November 2021.


TSLA update would be appreciated, 2nd request!


only a dedicated myopic bear would say that "NVDA looks really ugly" here. Hero moment #412. And i think i heard on video you called this a "bull market" -when describing a VIX Bollinger band theory. I dont recall you referring to this advance as a bull market before. Peter hated the DJ TRAN around 16100, made a point of it on video. STRAIGHT to17670 in less than 2 weeks . Cannot make this stuff up., NVDA up 2.3% and its 10;15 am est. And so close to new AThigh. The calls are so consistent.

Last updated

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