Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles since at least 1974 when his cycles predicted the exact low week of December 9-13, 1974. In 2020, after decades of painstaking progress, Peter released the first fully implemented cycle price projection software, Eliades Cycle Price Projections. Through this website you will access the opportunity to be exposed to this software and his accompanying market commentary.
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Agree IWM likely lower, however seasonality tends to favor them at this time, especially if we see a rotation out of big tech (MSFT, AAPL, GOOG, META all have bearish engulfing daily candles).
Dow only need to go up and NDX/DOW ratio can fall. 57 years cycle to could happen in 2024. Look at your favourite indicator VIX. Spent many months with it. NDX/DOW maybe another indicator that can go up in smoke. More time is spent on secondary index then need to be. Everyone around the world looks at only 3 Indexes. DOW, SPX & NDX, They are the one drives the market. How can we have top with VIX in the gutter? Most likely next drop will be brought and top will happen in 2024 with VIX over 20, Yields over 5%
Peter has lost the plot
Rotation in the overall market -- away from the NDX, and into DJIA -- now becoming VERY obvious from the relative performance of the respective indexes. Russell 2000 what many have been starting to call the "Zombie Index", as others here have pointed out, do indeed have a seasonal period of strength from now into the February timeframe.
If you do exactly the same analysis, as was done in this video on the Russell 2000, but instead on either the @NQ or @ES -- which is available in the Web App -- a completely different picture emerges. We all have to decide what is likely to be a "leading" indicator here for forecasting purposes. For my money, the traditional @NQ and @ES will be my choice. The Russell 2000 is a "laggard" indicator, in my opinion.
As we all Know, Peter has lost the plot, Only wants to pick indexes that has lower Projection, Now all lower projection on NDX, SPX are gone. He is now looking 57 years cycle. That means top can be in now or in few years time. It's not going to help anyone. Why is it on daily updates?
Daily updates should all about what market will do Now.
Why are we not getting any update on VIX? NDX/DOW is also go up in smoke like VIX
I've been a subscriber to Peter Eliades' services for many years -- back in the pre-internet days, when he was publishing a monthly newsletter on yellow cardstock paper, supplemented with a daily telephone update -- and I don't always use his services to support my own market viewpoints. My own market analysis is quite different than his cycle projections, and I have found over-the-years that the weaknesses of one system, are the strengths of the other. It is nice when they agree, however, this is NOT one of those times, right now.
I don't want to impose my thoughts on any market analyst -- that's how "groupthink" occurs, and we all know what happens when we all think the same thing about the market -- but do feel that it is OK to share my alternative viewpoints here in this forum. I enjoy your contributions, as well, and would encourage you to continue.
No market analyst is right everyday, 100% of the time. And, if any of the Stockmarket Cycles subscribers here are expecting that Peter live up to that standard, you're going to be disappointed. However, I do want to know what Peter's thoughts are because over-the-years he's made consistent market calls that my own systems missed, or kept me on-track when I myself misinterpreted my own systems. It happens. Trading is a tough game, as we all know.
So, I personally want Peter to do his thing. Even though he might be misinterpreting his own cycle projection systems, right now. I certainly know how that can happen, so I can relate.
Last updated
CS37 ; well said. Noone gets it right all the time. But, I think Peter has just "whistled past " the huge move in technology stocks-almost made jokes that it is a fad. Meanwhile, NDX up 39%( more from lows in last October) I too have been around for a long time with SMC service. He used to have more dynamic trading parameters/set ups versus seemingly endless bearish outcomes for the past 14 months. I think that is the problem. Okay, yes, if he only was negative on the IWM but he wasn't.He took on the NDX and SPX. THat is alot of hubris to think one knows and goes against the entire market. What i have seen over decades is money usually flows INTO the market. Intellectual honesty and situational awareness is what i try to enforce in my trading.
Daniel: Well, we subscribers have the luxury of making our mistakes in private. Peter doesn't.
Nevertheless, I agree that intellectual honesty and situational awareness are the cornerstones of successful trading. You'll blow your own brains out, if you don't have both of these.
Last updated
LMAO !!!
/RTY UP 2% +++
famous words by ELIADES / () IF YOU WANT TO BE BOOOOLISH ()
LMAO ...
$SPY just closed at the HIGHEST level this year
the dow goes up / NQ stays .... ratio goes down .. /ES RAMPS /RTY ramps
sooo funny
I personally don’t view videos much because he only gives bearish outlook since last year at SPY 3500. I like to read the comments though. I can tell how he is still giving bad advice. He seems to forget how wrong his forecast was this whole time.
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