SMC Update 2-22-23


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Thank you Peter 🙏🏻


Thanks Peter. Please can you do an analysis for Natural Gas? Also it will be nice to label your videos with the instruments analyzed within it. This inpaticular helps for search.


Thank you Peter. In the future, it would be great to see projection for Natural Gas and Crude Oil.


Thanks for the comprehensive coverage. The bitcoin projection is something to mull over. The rise since mid-Feb looked to be impulse waves up. I would need to watch your video again maybe. On a related note, can we take a look at TSLA please? The RSI had hit overbought condition and some correction has ensued, but it would be interesting to know whether what we have seen so far is a reversal or just a retracement rally.

Thanks once again...


Can you please provide an update for natural gas and oil?


Curious why you dont slap on the 200DMA in SPX or NDX. Also, is it normal in comparing the other bear markets of 2000-2003 and 2007-2009( which i dont or have ever thought we are in something that is comparable) that we have been above the 200dma for so many days? 20+? I think we pierced 200 dma in other down mkts for few days. Wondering if youre able to scan that data point? thank you


Hi Peter, for those of us that do not have the software could you please provide the statistics on the projections for at least the S & P, when these are confirmed??

Last updated


How do you calculate the width of the target boxes? Thanks

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