SMC Update 2=11-21


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Peter, If you go back a year ago, how did that TRIN chart look around 2/17/20 when the stock market peaked? Just curious since that was the major top.


TRIN figures have recently been a little strange. Due to heavy volume in only certain stocks that are being run up (or sold) by the so called WSB/Reddit crew. A couple of weeks ago when the Dow went down 600 points the TRIN was at .30, if I remember correctly, an Incredibly OVERBOUGHT number, especially considering the big sell-off that day. So it is possible that TRIN figures are not as reliable as they once were.


Look at TRIN just before/right after the election Around end October 2020, (where afterwards there was a huge rally) the index is not accurate at all...


On the daily 20 week cycle it projects 4150 to 4340 on the SPX. I went back 30 years and the stats were incredible. With no nicks and no adjusted ATR it made 54 projections and hit 79.63 percent which is 43 out of 54. Upside was 89 percent and down side just over 70 percent. Pretty amazing. I'm going to continue to buy the dips.

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