SMC Update 4-28-21


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Good, stuff, Peter. Who needs the Wolf of Wall Street when we've got Peter the wolf tamer!


It looks like Sp 500 upside short term projection will be met in the morning if the futures stay up at the current 0.6%. I appreciate that you clarified for those who don't have the software. I really need the market to crash, so I can get back in. I hope the vacation is going well. Thanks


thanks Peter. have a happy Easter :-)


I’m unsure what % of subscribers don’t have the software, but I’m one of them. As I think most subscribers here trade or invest in the S&P ,it would be good to see in your videos any short term projections for the S&P when a signal is given , as well as the longer term projections which you presently give. Thank You.


What about the longer timeframes and the 4400/4500 (?) S&P target you talked about before? I expect much higher prices in this blow off phase (4700-4900 range) Is it uncommon for prices to go much higher then the given highs in the projections (percentage wise)? Thank you very much


m.hol228 said:

What about the longer timeframes and the 4400/4500 (?) S&P target you talked about before? I expect much higher prices in this blow off phase (4700-4900 range) Is it uncommon for prices to go much higher then the given highs in the projections (percentage wise)? Thank you very much

Just thinking out loud. I could see a shorter term market drop now with a resurgence higher possibly leading to that Octoberish 150 month top/bottom Peter talked about in that 30 minute video at the end of March.


chris_chapman255 said:

I’m unsure what % of subscribers don’t have the software, but I’m one of them. As I think most subscribers here trade or invest in the S&P ,it would be good to see in your videos any short term projections for the S&P when a signal is given , as well as the longer term projections which you presently give. Thank You.

I am one of those also. To really guide everyone without software, one would have to get signals on a daily basis or at least at major changes for a set number of indexes. From a value and timeliness perspective, the software is considerably better if you know how to use it.


My guess is that we have met the upsides but advance decline is the deciding factor. Hopefull we hear something soon.

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