SMC Update 5-18-23


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Thank you Peter, you are always very interesting but I really liked the last 2 updates, a lot of research and perseverance goes into them.


Thanks for continuing to give guidance on those downside projections!


Thinking out loud, wonder if there's a way to put a small description next to each video... For example, Bitcoin upside projections met. Or NDX 4yr downside projection still confirmed. Or perhaps even simply the Tickers covered...NDX, VIX.


thanks Peter. Larry Williams is awesome of course, but also remember he was bullish in Sept of 2008 right before the market fell off a cliff. I think that is his nature though since he is a super positive guy and very likeable he tends to favor the upside in terms of recognizing cycles, and therefore doesn't see the extreme downside cycles in terms of crashes.

Last updated


Why is Peter comparing where we are now to April or three months ago? Didn’t he say we are going far down during October bottom? Lol from October bottom, NDX is up like 30%. Come on man.


I’m traveling , didn’t see video yesterday or today- yet. Is the them still ; “ the market isn’t UP that much”? Or “we are turning down immediately”? Or the market is overvalued? Or the VIX sell signals are working ? I’m actually shocked at the unwavering bearish stance. What have you been short , Peter? Anything ?


brian1469 said:

daniel039209 said:

I’m traveling , didn’t see video yesterday or today- yet. Is the them still ; “ the market isn’t UP that much”? Or “we are turning down immediately”? Or the market is overvalued? Or the VIX sell signals are working ? I’m actually shocked at the unwavering bearish stance. What have you been short , Peter? Anything ?

He actually explained his position really good in this video. Why don't you have the balls to make your own call and say we are going up from here instead of ragging on Peter. What is your model saying for how high we go?

I think since that March 17th bullish candle convinced me we going higher. I don’t know how high , NOONE does. I do subscribe to Peter because I want to know what cycles say, they have an influence. I expect that it would be given with intellectual honesty. Not like you, “I’m short here, here, here” parroting Peter- why? He has been dead to rights wrong. Period. I have seen the “fear of down 36% imminent” before. It’s a fear call and you and others join in echo chamber


Brain- I’m less bullish now after a monstrous rally. Will wait as stocks exhaust self and or get a DeMark signal I think Peter has just been stuck in his bias and I do sign up for a service for guidance/ additional to my work. His has been , save for BTC, mostly not worth a lot. Giving me little confidence as he will stay bearish , almost guaranteed


Should look at projection for all FANG stocks and MSFT during weekends updates. TIA


Everyone should watch this.

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