Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles since at least 1974 when his cycles predicted the exact low week of December 9-13, 1974. In 2020, after decades of painstaking progress, Peter released the first fully implemented cycle price projection software, Eliades Cycle Price Projections. Through this website you will access the opportunity to be exposed to this software and his accompanying market commentary.
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I've never seen anybody go against their own system as this service - it is pretty incredible. Peter please check under your own website indicators tab on the projections web app - there currently are about 4 to 5 upside projections for each ES and NQ futures - stop wasting time on SOX and NDX ratios - i thought this is about cycles not ratios. APPL just broke out - spend time on AAPL, NVDA, MSFT projections as those will tell you when the top will be in not some ratios.
This guy has been wrong for so long….bear since S&P 3500. I think he has best intentions but obviously guy is no good at predicting anything. Always picking data that fits his bearish narratives. So sad.
CPi AND FED dont move markets someone said many times. NOT. #MARKETHISTORY
maybe you will do a special update? do you think you have any explaining to do? locked in on now trying to pick top of thee strongest part of market. why not wait till it breaks down? and since there were little to no other upside projections, except people who follow system on here have been saying it is HUGE upside, which has been 100% correct.. its the same when you were locked in on the VXX when it went from 20 to 11. goodness gracious.
Why don’t you morons cancel your subscription instead of whinging all the time do you want Peter to lie?
let me know when you start your own service and we will be sure to check in
let me know when you start your own service and we will be sure to check in
You need to look in the mirror son Peter does not follow his own projection software
What is so hard to understand BOB
ROLLING IN 3 days whoop
Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai
Since 2008, CPI and FOMC on the same day has happened 13 times, $SPX has a average gain of 0.7%.
Oh yeah baby
Ai Ai Ai Ai
Im reminded you learn a lot more about what people dont know reading these comments than what they know. I make money every day on Peter's software. AAPL yesterday, BA last week, DKNG on the downside. All the time. If you don't you have no idea what you are talking about.
peter should be on the update with "this is the top "! ran into his spx projections 5435-5469 blew thru his 19164 NDX projection from may 16 update 10 week proj sox, etc
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