Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles since at least 1974 when his cycles predicted the exact low week of December 9-13, 1974. In 2020, after decades of painstaking progress, Peter released the first fully implemented cycle price projection software, Eliades Cycle Price Projections. Through this website you will access the opportunity to be exposed to this software and his accompanying market commentary.
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thank you Peter for your expertise and guidance in everything. In my experience nothing is more accurate than your original cycles. I say original because nobody else interprets them like you do. The special thing about yours is it "calibrates" itself to the developing market because it focuses on Time and Price whereas most people's cycles only focus on Time. This is why they have to keep skewing their cycles and yours either touch or invalidate and also have stats to give confidence.
The best that is out there by far. Now we need to get this programmed for NinjaTrader so we don't have to deal with Tradestation.
I think you will like the accuracy of NinjaTraders trendlines much more as well staying put. :-)
Agreed. But, how does one interpret time using the software? These days projected price seems to occur so fast. Both ups and downs.
When you say how does one interpret time using the software, I think you meant my statement that Peter uses both Time and Price where as some only use Time?
How you use only time is to manually draw using the cycle arc type of tool which exists on every good software The problem with this is it requires redoing it when it doesn't line up It looks to me from my interpretation that Peter uses the actual path of the market and offsets it. Since the market chart is composed of both time and price it naturally involves both of them. Super genius and original if you ask me.
Thanks for the clarification. I had misunderstood your point.
Peter, I know I may be getting a bit excited here, and also this might be way premature, but lets say you have the 100/110 weekly offset cross the continuum after getting a series of downside projections from other offsets and the 100/110 were the lowest outstanding projection at that point.
This would make a theoretical projection around S&P 1,500 from the current top. Would you then have some other offsets, like monthly or something to see if there could be lower projections if we were to have say a repeat of a 1929 situation? Or would the theoretical 1,500 projection be a floor for the market.
-Austin L
Doesn’t matter... we are invalidating the particular downside projection again (SP500, above 4310 @1053am, EST), which, once invalidated, would not trigger another lower projection on the next longer offset. I’m losing faith in these projections, the statistical accuracy on downside projections just seem too low.
A special update would be highly appreciated today Peter, As markets seem to have done completely the opposite of what you foresaw in your last update?
I have a hunch this may be a 1 day "nick" a bogus candle appeared on the daily charts yesterday (price never was up around 431 at any point yesterday), and as usually happens with those today we climbed up that false tail candle closing the gap.
Yes, Peter did say to expect a sharp rally. Market does not move straight up or down. My question is if we can use gap days, Trend lines, Fibonacci or another tool with the software to understand when and by how much such reversal moves might be? Perhaps oversold indicators to know a particular index is oversold and use Fibonacci to predict how much it might snap back? Is anyone aware of something more to confirm the direction reversals?
I suspect that there is nothing definite, but thought I check with if any pros here want to chime in.
Last updated
I still show the 12.1/13.8 as a confirmed downside. Until its invalidated its not invalidated. 70% ATR has a 90% hit ratio sometimes with as much as 80 points move against the projections. You need to look at EVERYTHING! GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY
With 9/10 12.1/13.8 70% atr I know what I am doing. Its the ODDS.
Hsiang/Guido - yes use other tools. We closed at -300 McClellan on Monday, and you only see that kind of extreme reading 1 time, mayyyybbeeee 2x throughout an entire year. Keep in mind that the loops that are occurring are on the shortest time frames, that's not the system's fault and it seems to me that you need to simply adjust your style/timeframe/etc to mitigate the choppiness of the shortest time periods. That's just the market, not the system and overlapping other areas (traditional TA/Elliot/etc) with Peter's cycles strengthen the system even further. Thanks for all the work Peter.
Thanks, DHA great tip. Couldn't agree more. Do you use a particular website (free one hopefully) or do you track your own Oscillators?
Totally agree on the timing part. Extreme readings like can lead to a reversal. I was able to get in on long IWM before Monday's close and sell before Tuesday's close. Now, just waiting on the sidelines to see what develops. I can see three scenarios:
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