SMC Update 8-17-21


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Peter, Thank you for showing us the bottom-bottom-top technique. Just curious why did you pick those two dates for bottom in terms of importance? I am not sure I understood the reason. But, I did take advantage of the call with QID. Thank you for that.


Accurate analysis is critical. Terrible news flow yesterday which caused the NDX projection to be invalidated. The fundamentals RULE !!!


Went right thru your closing number on the NDX showing the fickle nature of the projections. Fundamentals terrible all day to day which is why your projection was a miss. Again more proof FUNDAMENTALS RULE !!!!

Peter Eliades
Peter Eliades

SS79976231410 said:

Accurate analysis is critical. Terrible news flow yesterday which caused the NDX projection to be invalidated. The fundamentals RULE !!!

Your remarks lead me to believe our analysis is way over your head. You would be better served using someone's fundamental analysis that makes sense to you. You did not even acknowledge the call of the exact top, at least short term, and perhaps much longer than that on SPX two days ago! When your beloved fundamentals can accomplish that, come back again and we can talk!! Until then, either make constructive comments or all your silly remarks will be deleted.

Peter Eliades
Peter Eliades

Optimus said:

Peter, Thank you for showing us the bottom-bottom-top technique. Just curious why did you pick those two dates for bottom in terms of importance? I am not sure I understood the reason. But, I did take advantage of the call with QID. Thank you for that.

Hi Optimus, the choosing of dates for B-B-T counts is arbitrary. If you have market software with a cycle tool, you can experiment and look for such a pattern. I usually look for them when the cycle projections and the technicals line up as they did this past Friday-Monday. I'm glad you could take advantage of it... :)

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