SMC Update 8-19-21


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Peter you are a master technician - do right by your followers - the a/d line is meaningless. You can go for months with such divergence. You know this. It is triple witching week, the news flow is terrible (delta, asia slow down, etc) and going into an event where people don't want to take positions in August. Please focus on what really moves the market - the battle between the buyers and the sellers !!! Thank you from those who wish you to be successful and put out a useful update.


Correction the 3rd week expiration which everyone knows contributes to a funky market.


Peter, Can you look at a chart of AMZN. Some are saying TSLA and AMZN will determine the direction of the overall market. Thank you for your work


HI Peter, All the shorter term projection for gold are up. Wouldn't that take precedence over the 189/194 offset? If the much shorter term offsets are me then the longer term one would be invalidated.


I was wondering do you actually know what the PE ON GOOGLE, GOLDMAN SACHS OR NUCOR. If you do not you may want to look at that instead of being diverted by Prechter. Best to all !!!


SS79976231410 said:

Peter you are a master technician - do right by your followers - the a/d line is meaningless. You can go for months with such divergence. You know this. It is triple witching week, the news flow is terrible (delta, asia slow down, etc) and going into an event where people don't want to take positions in August. Please focus on what really moves the market - the battle between the buyers and the sellers !!! Thank you from those who wish you to be successful and put out a useful update.

HE is just a bear to his very core. How long has he "not" been calling a top. the a/d line of the Nikkei was down for years before the 1999 break.

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