SMC Update 8-20-24


Comments (2)
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I was away for 4 days so, trying to catch up:

Peter, any comment on the RSP making new all time high yesterday? Or GLD moving well past all of your bearish/head and shoulder projections for topping? And how is it both; " we are at maybe the highest close for major top for- our LIFETIME!!- years and years to come" yet also " if mkt stays up through Thursday or NVDA goes up 2.5 points, we are set for SIGNIFICANT UPSIDE"? how can it be both, at the same time? Also, noted is the "major top of lifetime" has been voiced more that a dozen times in past 9 months, if not 18 months. I guess Eliades plan is to STAY negative until market falls sometime in the next 12 months???? Prices, new highs dont seem to factor in?

Last updated


Look at all the offsets Look at Futures

You are not telling your subs everything

Look at NVDA projection


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