SMC Update 8-24-23


Comments (12)
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Peter thank you. Simply amazing


ericoh79, XXSPower, daniel03 etc in 8-23's comment section BEFORE the market opened on 8-24:

Same guys in 8-23's comments section by the close of market on 8-24:

Last updated


wow simply amazing wow just fantastic wow just creamed my shorts wow no pun intended


arcon00224 said:

ericoh79, XXSPower, daniel03 etc in 8-23's comment section BEFORE the market opened on 8-24:

Same guys in 8-23's comments section by the close of market on 8-24:

it was a tremendous reversal yesterday to downside, i was just frustrated as he showed some 3/4 day UPSIDE target hit, and we did move close to 720 off lows of friday, gave back 38% yesterday, i still think we r just consolidating/correcting the move from 11,100 to 15,900. And there wasnt too many days this year, that bearish calls worked. yesterday was one. we are still bumped against 15000 . hard to say "financial collapse" also, THIS IS NOT 2000 market NOR 2008 market bubbles. Peter should drop that commentary.


arcon00224 did U short at the lows today? prob .. see U HIGHER..


simply amazing fantastic massive green hulk YUGE small hands Tsla over 240 lets get it


brian1469 said:

Went short NQ 14995 hoping to hold through the weekend if I don't get stop out my stop is at 15037

How many Friday ramps do you need to see follow thru on a Monday? How many Mondays have you seen REDRUM ? go ahead Ill wait.

I dont understand you guys on this blog

just donate your money ?

U see we just took over the 13day EMA on the QQQ - thats BOOOOLISH BROTHER


amazing remarkable simply wonderful

next up 4530

see all yall next week

small hands


brian1469 said:

XXSPOWER127 said:

brian1469 said:

Went short NQ 14995 hoping to hold through the weekend if I don't get stop out my stop is at 15037

How many Friday ramps do you need to see follow thru on a Monday? How many Mondays have you seen REDRUM ? go ahead Ill wait.

I dont understand you guys on this blog

just donate your money ?

U see we just took over the 13day EMA on the QQQ - thats BOOOOLISH BROTHER

Thanks for chiming in it turned my trade around I thought I was going to get stopped out until your comment

anytime I like helping you sheep out sometimes.

Long tsla 236 looking for 260 which will take NQ higher ! end of month 401K baaaahh baaaaahhhh


Like the old trader said a top only Mama bear would love. Lots of trapped bulls up here in this week. Next week the trap door drops open. Looking for SPX 4000 or lower.


XXSPower (zero record in this forum of stating actual profitable trades before the fact ๐Ÿ‘€) when he's not armchair trading after the day has ended:

Last updated


arcon00224 said:

XXSPower (zero record in this forum of stating actual profitable trades before the fact ๐Ÿ‘€) when he's not armchair trading after the day has ended:

Guess you are new here.. and I guess you watch a lot of U tube since that is all you post I have told all the sheep here what to look for and I have helped the sheep WERE u here when Peter was BEARISH at 10,500 on the NQ? I said higher.. I then said higher higher higher higher for 5000 points the old gurus on here know I ran @RTY, @YM BLAH BLAH MY DADDY WAS VERY PROUD HIS NAME IS I forget and digress #smallhands

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