Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles since at least 1974 when his cycles predicted the exact low week of December 9-13, 1974. In 2020, after decades of painstaking progress, Peter released the first fully implemented cycle price projection software, Eliades Cycle Price Projections. Through this website you will access the opportunity to be exposed to this software and his accompanying market commentary.
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That premium in the ES and YM goes bye bye tomorrow. Peter thanks.
Volmageddon September-October 2023,the setup is clearly in place and should see 30's in the $VIX in two weeks?
Budget @ 11:00 PST....CPI + OIL + Energy policy = stagflationary + Budget + War = Stagflationary depression. 4 day Dow cash candle is a bearish doji. This Bull market is a illusion. Bear market is a reality,but in today's propaganda U.S. down is up.
BTC maybe another 100 points up this morning then a reversal down which the markets will go with it. Market is topping.
Where is your 1929 1987 analogy?
All I know is this
A) when there are higher projections on the 1-3, 3-5, 7-8 and PRELIMINARY ON 24 And then PETER says I DONT THINK SO
Cause we going to hit the projections for the SOFTWARE HE MADE THAT HE DOES NOT BELIEVE!!! Lmao !!!
its true. peter has had that negative stance and didnt believe the higher projections since last Oct/Dec/Jan .. BUT this time, Sept 2023 feels alot diff. Peter could be right here. I see mkt struggling at 50dma in qqq/spy. Noone thinks a recession is possible anymore, its a different and i think very negative set .02 cents.. im going to join the " end of the world trade" with peter, Fast, all the bears on here for a little while. What happened to VIX going to 55? come on! Lets go da bears!
Last updated
You can't see a topping process here? The 4 day Dow chart is a doji......Buy and party like it's 1929. Remember grow up and be a Mench.
Why would one look at CPI.
Oct 2022. Inflation came big, Market tanked for few Min. Then went up ever since.
News is just Noise. Something tells me that there is distribution going on. may not go anywhere fast. Maybe once option Expiry is over market will go somewhere.
as friendly advice; a close UNER 4450 SPX u will be looking at 4309 heads up dude
This 3rd wave whatever count it is in should close on the low going down.
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