Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles since at least 1974 when his cycles predicted the exact low week of December 9-13, 1974. In 2020, after decades of painstaking progress, Peter released the first fully implemented cycle price projection software, Eliades Cycle Price Projections. Through this website you will access the opportunity to be exposed to this software and his accompanying market commentary.
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Helpful hint; maybe look at futures -December- before your bearish updates. They are blowing out to upside. Not even close to what you talk about
Love how this “new top is a day, maybe a week, maybe weeks , maybe months away from major high” . Amazing. Too bad you’ve repeatedly,unapologetically called for top for 9’month, 11 months , 18 months now. Your myopic focus on the SOX is apparently not very relevant - it’s just another group that led, now going sideways to alight down. It’s still up 35% from last fall at a minimum
The peak in cycles for market begins next May 2025 . You will probably still be bearish, best guess
Last updated
Peter short at 3800/ 4800 / and now 5800 The definition of insanity is what?
but ,its the top. so , if one just keeps saying it for oh, 18 -19 months now, i have NO DOUBT within in the next 18 months we will have a decline. :)
SOX UP TO 5100 I think Jerome said I'll tell Peter it's not BS
Have u noticed over the past months he gets on something and does not let go until it's a dead in the water issue? Like UVXY LIKE moons and water Like 60 days 90 days Like Dow / this Like NVDA / Germany Like top Bottom top bottom top remember those?
Yes, its some kind of "Hero complex"- peter is going to see what NOone else sees and its about to be the biggest decline in our lifetime. Saying that, is 99,6% wrong all the time through history. But , he could be a hero if we went down. It is just that no one is that smart. The whole world is buying stocks, BEEN buying stocks, you are insane to say " NO, THIS IS THE TOP". New highs are never bearish. Again, he is negative biased, he sees only negative divergences- lo and behold all of those got "fixed" RSP,QQQE,A/D, NYA He should have just printed bearish chats on CHINA, i think its the worst this year
Well then let's get on that BIDU train LOL
picking tops is a ??
That's right .
but he keeps playin
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