SMC Update 9-24-24


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it seems to be one of Peters favorite technical points of reference: the upper channel of an up trend. Where will that trendline point be in say, 50 days,? 100 days? 225 days? It is almost random that it would stop on an Uptrending upper channel line. Today is as good as any day in the past 18 months that the call has been for an "immediate decline that will be devastating and generational" for the last 1900 spx points has been the refrain. My gosh, that is not intellectually honest cyclical work. It is more like a negative slant on the US markets and economy and world. Hard to ever make a dime being so negative for so long. I love how its framed as " we are now making a negative/short observation/recommendation". NOW??? are you kidding ? its been 100's and 1000's of points lost, being negative. Lets see how this works out. Only out 28 points so far. And for the record, peter was NOT bullish on GLD ( was very bearish) until it went from 224 to 239 then mentioned the miners are kind of strong. that is only $150 oz before flip.


daniel039209 said:

it seems to be one of Peters favorite technical points of reference: the upper channel of an up trend. Where will that trendline point be in say, 50 days,? 100 days? 225 days? It is almost random that it would stop on an Uptrending upper channel line. Today is as good as any day in the past 18 months that the call has been for an "immediate decline that will be devastating and generational" for the last 1900 spx points has been the refrain. My gosh, that is not intellectually honest cyclical work. It is more like a negative slant on the US markets and economy and world. Hard to ever make a dime being so negative for so long. I love how its framed as " we are now making a negative/short observation/recommendation". NOW??? are you kidding ? its been 100's and 1000's of points lost, being negative. Lets see how this works out. Only out 28 points so far. And for the record, peter was NOT bullish on GLD ( was very bearish) until it went from 224 to 239 then mentioned the miners are kind of strong. that is only $150 oz before flip.

Good channel

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