SMC Update 9-28-23


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" Hello Peter, as I've been closely monitoring the web software, it appears that all the anticipated downside projections have materialized. This trend is evident across various time frames and indices, including TLT. The last time we experienced a similar scenario was last October, and it resulted in a significant and sustained upward movement that continued until around February. However, I'd like to hear more about the downside projections you mentioned. The web version isn't reflecting them, so could you please review them again this weekend?


Could anyone provide the statistics on the 4 year downside projections that Peter was discussing a few nights ago on the Russell (IWM), please? I do not have the software, thanks.


Hi Peter, like other I stopped receiving email notifications from your service. Could you possibly fix the glitch.


Need to have a look again with NDX/Dow ratio charts. Dow is weak means ratio is going up. Need to look at YM, NQ and spx on 60 min charts


Thanks Peter. After the close on Friday the QQQ daily median price chart is showing a confirmed upside projection to just above the gap fill area.

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