Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles since at least 1974 when his cycles predicted the exact low week of December 9-13, 1974. In 2020, after decades of painstaking progress, Peter released the first fully implemented cycle price projection software, Eliades Cycle Price Projections. Through this website you will access the opportunity to be exposed to this software and his accompanying market commentary.
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Sorry to be persistent Peter but please could you cover at the weekend the disparity between your oil CL analysis and the USO long term targets on the web app with a minimum target of 111 on USO on the longest time period weekly on the app (with much lower targets recently invalidated at next shorter weekly than the longest).
Last updated
A series of nested 1,2's in the Dow. This will get nasty. Japan has topped. The 3rd wave should began in earnest to the downside when this bounce is finished.
UNH for an example is in a 3rd wave since July 26th and is progressing down in 1,2,1,2,1 and in 2 now with a acceleration down in a 3 of 3 of 3.....could start to waterfall down from 483'ish, a long way down. IMHO.
When the 3rd wave hits...will all the "dark pool" buyback shares start dumping? There are a lot of elephants in the closet but dumping stock because most of it is held with collateral by the big banks....same thing happened in 1929. Only a matter of time.
Coreweave is probably was front for Chinese. They think the Ban is coming soon. Buy and stock pile like what Huawei did before the Ban
Tomorrow will be either a typical expiration(pinned day) or a blood letting.
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