SMC Update 9-7-21


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Peter I order to get a full appraisal of a market top. The charts of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Nivida and Tesla have to be looked at to see if they have reached their target upside. If they have and no upside I would be very confidentthat a market top has been reached. The market has been driven up by these stocks, these stock have drive up all the index they are the heavy weights. If you can look at these would really help a lot and also get away from the grey areas in the projections. Thank you.


Can the time cycle indicator be used for corn soy beans wheat ect.... If so, would you use the 27 min charts for day and 45 at night like for indexes? Any help would be greatly appreciated

Peter Eliades
Peter Eliades

spytrader24 said:

Can the time cycle indicator be used for corn soy beans wheat ect.... If so, would you use the 27 min charts for day and 45 at night like for indexes? Any help would be greatly appreciated

What you have to do, spytrader, is determine the length of a daytime session, then break it up into equal parts. For example, stock index futures daytime sessions last from 9:30 am Eastern to 4:15 pm Eastern. That is 6 hrs and 45 minutes, or 405 minutes. So, 15 27 min bars would cover 405 minutes. For the SPX cash, the session lasts from 9:30 Eastern to 4pm Eastern, a total of 390 minutes. 13 periods of 30 minutes equals exactly 390 minutes. That is the theory behind how we determine the length and time spans of the intra-day charts.

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