SMC Update 9-8-22


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Thank you for your insightful analysis, as always. Recently, there's been a very strong inverse correlation between the stock market and the DXY (US Dollar Index). Can you possibly do a cycle projection analysis on DXY?


Could you please look at apple over the weekend. Thank you Peter 🙏🏻


Thank you for the great market update and refresher on the indicators.


Very clear and helpful. Thank you!


Peter: Excellent work, as part of the theoretical downside analysis you are doing, could you look at the 8 year projection on the SPX as to if it can be breached based on going below the two year offsets? I realize the downside projection given by that are literally off the charts, but it’s interesting as it fits with some of my own work relating to the 90 year cycle and the possibility we could be setting up for a 90% decline. This would be most interesting.


Peter, in yesterday's update you indicated that a close above 12,278 in the NDX would lead to prices between 12,500-12,535 range. So I am puzzled as to why you continue with such bearish updates as this one. Why not let the projections guide you, instead of reverting to your (admitted) bearish bias? Not a very scientific approach to the markets, imo.

Last updated

Guido van Schagen
Guido van Schagen

jshemanski49196 said:

Peter, in yesterday's video you indicated that a close above 12,278 in the NDX would lead to prices between 12,500-12,535 range. So I am puzzled as to why you continue with such bearish updates as this one. Why not let the projections guide you, instead of reverting to your admitted bearish bias? Not a very scientific approach to the markets, imo.

I agree. There is a closing price projection on the 3,5-4 day offset calling for a close at 12535. If that one will be met, automatically the 7 to 8 day offset will generate an even higher closing price projection to around 12800 level. This worries me together with the fact that the futures are already higher at 12450 level.


sturgill.jr207 said:

Peter: Excellent work, as part of the theoretical downside analysis you are doing, could you look at the 8 year projection on the SPX as to if it can be breached based on going below the two year offsets? I realize the downside projection given by that are literally off the charts, but it’s interesting as it fits with some of my own work relating to the 90 year cycle and the possibility we could be setting up for a 90% decline. This would be most interesting.

Interesting as my long term elliot wave count has us at an 88% decline. Bottom expected 2029/30 NYE approximately.


what are the chances of the infamous loop projections


bbrentpb465 said:

so peter we are above the short term offset for the 65 min chart; did that generate any upside during the day and have we met that? Im assuming on the daily we have yet to get close to the off set so the downside projections are still in tact? any way you can answer this quickly? Seeing if im reading this right

just basing off of what Peter presented, likely there's a new projection up to ~4100-4150, which is pretty much right at the continum of the higher offset, so it'll either turn back down and target the bearish scenario he presented, or keep going up and invalidate it


ray586 said:

Peter, I like your bearish passion but I have to question the stressing of potential downside projections that will occur weeks from now. The short term bullsh projection has been understated where the rally this week should have topped out in the 4015-4020 area. This price action is headed to the 4070 level. As a trader I can't think about 3600 in 2 months from now when we should be mentally embracing short term strong price action. Ray D

Spot on! There is much emphasis on bearish projection and we are missing the short-term bullish action. It would be most valuable if Peter could provide projections where bullish action is equally represented. Today was a miss!


Mr E, your buddy you talked about in the past did a video Larry Williams. He sees up up up

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