SMC Update Week Ending 10-6-23 Recorded 10-7-23


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Does this tool take into account fluctuations in total market liquidity? e.g. if the Fed Resv doubles total market liquidity since the offsets were formed, would the offsets not then be doubled in value as well? or the downside projections created from offests formed at half the current liquidity levels be halved?


Peter, for those of us who don't have the software could you please share the statistics when discussing new projections? This would help to make more informed investment decisions in my view.

Last updated


i just rewatched the last 7/8 videos -almost 2 weeks of trading. No matter where the SPX NDX( i dont know any trade who trades the RSP or QQWE( 100k daily vol)) indices are, there is a predominate negative,lower projection, very little allowance for 2-4% rallies, just a beating of the drum. The market rarely is screaming to downside( or upside) it is often range bound. Yes we dropped hard from Sept 14th. INto a zone of support ( also known as the 200 day ma on the SPY). Probably we need to hear more 3/4 or 7/8 day tighter projections not the 4 year overdue by 11 months but still downside of 42-75% in major stock indices. Anyone trading short, with puts, you have a 15% chance to scalp and get out otherwise the grind back up is deadly. we are moving well above 10 dma, yet late Friday add on video was " end of rally " call. Yet the forecasts for lower and lower keep you in for " all important next 2 days" which is always the forecast for this

Last updated


brian1469 said:

daniel039209 said:

i just rewatched the last 7/8 videos -almost 2 weeks of trading. No matter where the SPX NDX( i dont know any trade who trades the RSP or QQWE( 100k daily vol)) indices are, there is a predominate negative,lower projection, very little allowance for 2-4% rallies, just a beating of the drum. The market rarely is screaming to downside( or upside) it is often range bound. Yes we dropped hard from Sept 14th. INto a zone of support ( also known as the 200 day ma on the SPY). Probably we need to hear more 3/4 or 7/8 day tighter projections not the 4 year overdue by 11 months but still downside of 42-75% in major stock indices. Anyone trading short, with puts, you have a 15% chance to scalp and get out otherwise the grind back up is deadly. we are moving well above 10 dma, yet late Friday add on video was " end of rally " call. Yet the forecasts for lower and lower keep you in for " all important next 2 days" which is always the forecast for this

You should of told everybody to go long last week. That would of helped everybody.

Are you saying to go long now?

not to cherry pick BUT 100% i said SPX 4450 is HUGE break 4320 target then 4220 target. ( around 9/15-16) . i know NOT to press 1st test against 200dma. We could have slipped under to set off stops 4195 and it would have been okay.
No, i wouldnt say go long now, especially after special update friday i sold 88% of my longs( lucky to have bought Th/Fr) Now , flat footed with only downside projections as far as eye can see. My rant is ; NO matter what the price, no matter how oversold, there is a complete downside bias. NDX doesnt go from 15000 to 8000 in a waterfall, unless WWIII happens. just annoyed at "resistance here/turn down now" then " next 2 days extremely important" for 8 months, its been the next 2 days are important. Yeah, im frustrated, I like some of the info on here, the complete bearish bias hasnt served any one i know. Think about for a minute


I would think about shorting spy against a failed move at the 20dma which i have targeted around 433.65 up to the high of 9/21, 435.90 In that window IF SHOWING weakness i would short. The tape matters, its not a bear market every dang day. my lord.
I love when Peter shows all the "highs" from 1987,2000 ,2007. And then i see the 46 year chart. Those "highs" are specks. Never has it been a high, until late 2021/beginn of 2022. And what do you think chart will look like in 2 years?, 5years? Im a trader/investor. NOt perma bull or bear. one destroys capital appreciation by being short or out of market when it rallies 16-34%. No argument to have been short since last Nov, Dec, this Jan/March- save for few weeks, should one have been so negative and so short. Huge missed oppty. Abnormal to have a 34% gain 1/2 thru year. I m done

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