SMC Update Week Ending 11-4-22 Recorded 11-5-22


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thanks for the very interesting update Peter. Looks like an exciting week.


Thanks for the thorough update, including the short-term projections. Here's a link w/ older info on the Steve Puetz crash window, for all of you "astronomers" out there! The solar eclipse was Oct 26th, so the full moon/ lunar eclipse early next week would also fit the pattern:

Last updated


StevenTexas said:

I forwarded the Sept 9 (57) trading days Peter noted on his 9-12-22 broadcast and it comes on November 29. It was a cycle he noted on that broadcast.

Thanks. Peter has said end of Nov couple of times. Things could head that direction starting later this week. Let's see. This is really interesting.


The "Puetz Crash window" opens on the Tuesday, 8-Nov just before the trading window starts in East Coast. I believe it worked in 1987 and while there's obviously no guarantee that it will work every time, the circumstances seem ripe this time around.

Btw, when we speak about planetary influences on terrestrial occurrences it's no more astronomical, it is already astrological so semantics apart it's better to accept astrological influences than pretend that they don't have any influence. Granted we don't understand them entirely just like so many other things in life.

Assuming a crash occurs now, it would be only Wave A, so after rebound in Wave B, there's bound to be another corrective Wave C in 2023, which should eventually define the bottom of this bear phase.


Great video Peter, would hugely appreciate a breakdown of Bitcoin here it seems to be heading in the opposite direction to stock indexes.


& don’t forget CPI on Nov 10th, could be the straw needed…


Hello Peter, I am in Bali right now and it is worth noting that they will be holding the G20 summit next week

Expected to be hosting Putin, Biden, Xi, Kings and Presidents from around the world.

One of the Agendas? Digital Economy Transformation


volfgang said:

Great video Peter, would hugely appreciate a breakdown of Bitcoin here it seems to be heading in the opposite direction to stock indexes.

It's normal for Bitcoin to be trading slightly higher on weekends.


david2651 said:

& don’t forget CPI on Nov 10th, could be the straw needed…

Peter mentioned that this is why Tuesday and Wednesday might be sideways


Thank you for the update peter. I was wondering how the Vix is looking to you during this time?


bbrentpb465 said:

Peter called the projections on Telsa and now apple nvida, they are going to pot; so assumemore downside; peter if you have time it would be interesting for an update on Apple and Tsla...

DaddyDersch on youtube does some interesting updates and I think you'll find them sufficient


I wonder if someone could comment on SPY Daily 24.2/27.6 has a confirmed projection of 416-420, in light of all the bear calls?


Thanks, Peter! Always enjoy watching you linking current market condition to long-term historical cycles and looking into other relevant markets.

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