SMC Update Week Ending 5-10-24 Recorded 5-11-24


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Peter, I've been listening to you since the KWHY days and I do respect you as an analyst. Please understand however that it is a conundrum for your subscribers when you call your projections the "bread and butter" of your system on one hand and then provide an outlook on the other hand that contradicts them. This has been occurring on a regular basis for a while and is still in place on today's update, as well.

Last updated


Peter since it is said that today that this bull market is different due to A.I. is driving the market higher then how about using that technology and take all your data you have discussed and have A.I. analyze your data for A.I. projection where the indexes will be over the immediate future Results could be very interesting


amazing. since you have been bearish( Peter Lynch again has the best line" more money has been LOST trying to pick the top or anticipate the top, than living through the correction") (And obviously, you can have a stops in IF the market started going down.) Since you have been bearish Late 2022, then most of 2023 and doubling tripling down into lows of Oct/Nov 2023, the amount of points MISSED or g-d forbid following a short thesis, LOST, have been on order of 55-78%. All i think is how much i have lost out on, following the staunch "bear growling" "bear claws out" bias for much of last 17 months. Maybe every other subscriber just used projections as "suggestions' not actual action and have done fantastically well. I would love to hear those stories, if anyone cares to share. And even with higher daily projections, the answer is still " we are at a top...maybe not yesterday or a month ago6 months ago or tomorrow, but it seems like a top" The answer is always that.


I have been mostly bullish since Oct 2022, and am still bullish for the next few months. I don't see a crash or sizable decline until at least the Sept/Oct time-frame, for various reasons. I see a peak sometime in August, possibly early August (August 5th?). If so, June and July should be positive months, perhaps very positive. However I still pay attention to Peter's projections, but I use it differently than most folks. Since I have a bullish bias over the next two months, I am expecting higher projections to be generated fairly soon, and no lower projections to be generated at least until August. Peter states that all upside projections have been satisfied (perhaps that's true), and that no higher projections have been generated (as of yet...). However I don't see any major lower projections EITHER right now. So we are in no man's land, waiting for the next sizable projections to occur. However I am expecting higher projections to be generated fairly soon, not lower projections as Peter expects. Once we peak (between August and September), I believe it will be the MAJOR peak that Peter speaks of, and I think we will start seeing major downside projections at that time, but not any earlier. Peter's software and projections are accurate. It just depends on how you interpret them. As long as the projections confirm what I anticipate, I will remain bullish. Eventually Peter will be right and we will have that huge decline Peter is expecting. In the meantime, we all should keep emotions intact. Easier said than done.


rickjendz64 appreciate your response. Ultimately we all make our own button pushing decisions. I definitely find myself "influenced" by data & projections even when my eyes and experience see different. The counter thought creeps in


i think power has got this


hey Peter, you clearly do know what you are talking about and have made ample money through the years. Why get battering from this...Id simply use the tool myself and close the service. and enjoy time with the family, which in essence is the best time spent.

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