SMC Update Week Ending 5-19-23 Recorded 5-20-23


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Peter: Thanks For Covering AAPL because SPX won’t peak until AAPL does. I have a stretch Target 178.62 could still be met on debt ceiling News Rally in June. Likely NAZ Won’t Peak until NVDA Does? Please cover NVDA Monday IF all upside projections met including upper projection window price. In extreme blow off need upper price projection as crazy as it looks. ~Dorothy

Last updated


StevenTexas said:

Breadth no longer important. Go all in on AI, FAANG+T and Robotics! LMAO Is there an ETF I can buy on stupidity? Need to go long on that one leveraged.

StevenTexas said:

Breadth no longer important. Go all in on AI, FAANG+T and Robotics! LMAO Is there an ETF I can buy on stupidity? Need to go long on that one leveraged.

StevenTexas So True. Most Hedge funds aren’t long It’s individual investors & PMs long. ~Dorothy

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