SMC Update Week Ending 5-3-24 Recorded 5-4-24-Part 1


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Peter Eliades
Peter Eliades

Despite recording in a new environment, it appeared that everything went well until I started editing the video and on the last half of the video the soundtrack disappeared. A video track without audio can be very frustrating so I stopped this video where the audio stopped. I am calling the part that is now online "Part 1." I hope to get a part 2 on by Monday morning at the latest. Thank you for your patience!


kwmurphy2939 said:

The Mc Clellan Oscillator just surged from minus 280 (-280) to plus 190 (+190) in a huge liquidity surge the past week. If you're bearish, this is not what you want to see.

We don't talk about that Only ratio of /YM TO NQ Please. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Peter Eliades said:

Despite recording in a new environment, it appeared that everything went well until I started editing the video and on the last half of the video the soundtrack disappeared. A video track without audio can be very frustrating so I stopped this video where the audio stopped. I am calling the part that is now online "Part 1." I hope to get a part 2 on by Monday morning at the latest. Thank you for your patience!

Mr. E, Hope you are enjoying Arizona and have time to walk the trails. I hope you can do (2) things A) Stop saying all projections have been met. Why? Look at weekly. Look at MONTHLY in my whole time I have been a sub you NEVER looked at Monthly. It's big. I know you will poo poo on it.. and say some erroneous thing about it... However it's Not met. You are hurting your subs when you say things such as this as they think other things in their head!

B) look at Futures /NQ EACH timeframe has higher projections 3-5, 7-8, 12-1 and we met 24 and are heading up to the continuum. Why don't you show these projections with %'s of potential to hit and THEN maybe talk about a REVERSAL. If we are over the 5 day and the 5 day crosses the 20 day ITS BULLISH. How about that for market history?? I am sure some want you to talk about projections other than the $SPX.X / NDX.X

Thanks for your time.


XXSPOWER127 said:

kwmurphy2939 said:

The Mc Clellan Oscillator just surged from minus 280 (-280) to plus 190 (+190) in a huge liquidity surge the past week. If you're bearish, this is not what you want to see.

We don't talk about that Only ratio of /YM TO NQ Please. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Exactly, Find something Bearish, even if the projections are higher


kwmurphy2939 said:

You mentioned a couple weeks ago that a lot of subcribers had left. I was one of those that left. I simply joined back to see where your offset projections came in. They were good as well as your speed resistance line example. But again, you're going to be sticking with this bear scenario that just isn't ready yet. Yes we're going to have another decline into June, but we're just not not even close. You should know that the Dow topped in February of 1966 and then the S&P did in December of 1968. That's 33 months later. Yes the Dow IS done, by topping on the spring equinox 18,000 calendar days from the 1974 low, but the S&P and the Nasdaq have months and months and months and months to go (get the point?). This is going to take a long time and you're going to end up ruinng your legacy before you have to exit the business. Yes, I know the technical picture isn't good, but these things go on for a long, long time and AI one of those things you can't fight. So, I've already figured out when we're done and we're not even close. Yes, we're going to get a correction in June AND it will look bad, but it's not the end. If you want to know when we'll peak short term, the answer is May 16, so we've got over a week to go. You're like Prechter in 1987 insisting we were beginning a depression and mean while ignoring the fact that the 1987 crash corrected exactly 38.2% of the advance from the 1932 low to the 1987 high. And it did it (the Dow) with 1 point on a print basis! Don't paint yourself into a corner. Prechter is still fighting that today.


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