SMC Update Week Ending 5-5-23 Recorded 5-6-23


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Thank you Peter!!!


Thanks Steven— Not to mention the Money Market/S&P 500 ratio IS VERY NEGATIVE for the stock market going forward. The rate at which money is leaving Banks flowing to NO RISK 5% TBill’s & 4.8% Money Market Funds is startling. I won’t flow into the stock market for a long time. This will get very ugly. If you don’t get the MACRO correct then micro move trading will eventually eat your lunch. The markets are looking for NO RECESSION & 2 RATE CUTS by year end. They must be doing hallucinatory drugs. LOL!!


Is there a reason to watch this if you are not finding the 1 or 2 negative associations in this market? I like watching it way after the open. You have the largest(?mkt cap) companies in the world ripping higher for 6 months and yet negative aspects are mostly what’s pointed out. What’s the point ? If you followed this dialogue - you would be down minimum 25-30 %. Instead of making 6-15%. You go out of business with years like that Ridiculous already. Should maybe do cycles on individual stocks. It’s not that great picking direction of 100 or 500. Fruitless


MarketTiming01 said:

NDX up 20% YTD (and yes only a few stocks driving that but who cares the index is up) ......... that's been my biggest disappointment. Peter nailed the July 2022 rally up (good job) .... but since Oct 2022 has totally missed this "bear" rally .... assuming that is what it is ... time will tell ... good luck to all

It’s sad….those 4 yr potential projections made him lose control of the overall picture..hopeful this crashes soon I’m tired and don’t want to be reminded of 4 yr projections for the next year or two


Thanks Peter, Please go over AAPL in video tonight see if any upside targets. IF Apple Peaks SPX likely will peak. Thanks ~Dorothy


AAPL Did .382 a retracement of recent Big up move & looks like measured move to 178.62. Curious Peter or anyone with software are there Upside projections on AAPL outstanding? Thanks ~Dorothy

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