SMC Update Week Ending 7-19-24 Recorded 7-20-24


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"snowballing, falling, waterfalling..." has never NOT lead to an immediate rally, either 1-2% or as history shows, huge gains. Im sure we are bouncing few % this week. Semis were down 8.8% and Russell was up ~2.0% last week.


NDX only up 291 points 1.49% sox +165 waterfall delayed


bengreen1914964 said:

daniel039209 said:

"snowballing, falling, waterfalling..." has never NOT lead to an immediate rally, either 1-2% or as history shows, huge gains. Im sure we are bouncing few % this week. Semis were down 8.8% and Russell was up ~2.0% last week.

Cascading down, Why does he do that? has he not leaned it yet?

Its beyond me. When i heard that last night, I was a buyer of futures..... SOX up 4% NDX up 1.54%. "waterfall, cascading...." is undefeated! I think, if one calls the "most overvalued mkt, highest prices possible( although he allows now they could go higher), invokes Hussman; THIS FEELS LIKE THE TOP'"...if you repeat almost every week for 17 months, gonna hit one of these times..... Quite different Stock Market Cycles than what it once was. BEAR ALERT gets the headlines, not we r going up UNTIL we actually break a big trend, not hit the upper channels for ever. Im sure there is an upper channel from the 1929 that hit the DJIA 4 days ago at the high.. Can always draw new upper channels.

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