Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles since at least 1974 when his cycles predicted the exact low week of December 9-13, 1974. In 2020, after decades of painstaking progress, Peter released the first fully implemented cycle price projection software, Eliades Cycle Price Projections. Through this website you will access the opportunity to be exposed to this software and his accompanying market commentary.
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what happened to that 94 years top? will we get bounce like 1929,1987, 2000.2008 top then the Bounce then the Crash? When will the Bounce come? Not getting bounce next week would be a good thing. Bounce in September 94 years cycle high?
In wave 2 of 3....probably go into Globex or early tomorrow. Whenever it ends than we roll to the downside maybe SPX 4000? Following Chris Carolan spriral calendar, the Market topped on August 1-2 and hit a bullseye. This cycle will include a panic. No Fear yet but it will manifest it self in the cycle C down. The Dow should be weak. Japan is very bearish and BTC.
And I can't forget Peter nailed the top too. Using a NDX/Dow ratio....not just cycle analysis. Amazing
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Peter a good friend of your's gave a mention about your cycle work,especially the 94 year cycle. It was interesting that your friend now considers this move up part of a overall topping process ie a double top. Hang on because the DAX also has a double top.
The stock market can not handle a 6 percent handle on ST rates and that's in the cards. The JNK has a real nice H&S pattern. I do not know when the rating agencies down grade the Banks but it will happen. All markets will turn down and that will solidify the bear market. The Fed is powerless.
The Pros have the premium factored in the puts pretty high. No matter what level they manipulate the VIX at. They know the markets headed a lot lower.
It might help to look at short term first. Dreaming about big downside is what made you loose the Big Move up. When picture don't fit you look at Log projection. Log is the way to go,
The bad news: The TNX made a new high today and this decline so far is much to do about nothing. These kind of markets always surprise to the downside. Did we finish a dead cat bounce in the cash or will it continue tomorrow?
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This market will be a carbon copy of 1987....the Fed has lost control....this market can't handle a 6 to 7 pct handle with a debt load across the board and declining revenue in Federal taxes and no energy receipts to fall back on....I smell lit fuses to a economic disaster.
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