SMC Update Week Ending 8-23-24 Recorded 8-24-24


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Thanks Peter, How do you interpret the BTC data which looks like upside in the shorter term (also normally correlates to the NQ suggesting makes may go higher). I guess the outcome should be clearer by end of Mondays session.


Wait, i thought it was THEE MOST important high in the markets maybe in our lifetime last week/6 weeks ago/6 months ago/18 months ago. It would be hard to find a prediction that was even close to a major top. You really think A/D will stop and not make a new high? TSLA; has been straight again,since bearish projections. GLD; up since your 223 H & S ' no further upside comment. Bonds, TLT, NOT collapsing to 78 but closing in on 100. How can you honestly keep saying " most overvalued" "major top of maybe lifetime" ?? Not even close as the advance, which has to be one of the biggest in $ terms of all our lifetimes, since Nov 2022 and once again, doubling down Dec 2023 , Jan/Feb/Mar 2024. nothing but bearish. Should have honest video about how NOW you are ready, if Monday is up , then " we have a problem" Staggering. It will be pure luck and some seasonality if we get some sell off in mid Sept to early October, before we keep screaming to higher highs. Mid to late 2025 is when you can worry about all your great LONG postions.

Last updated


daniel039209 said:

Wait, i thought it was THEE MOST important high in the markets maybe in our lifetime last week/6 weeks ago/6 months ago/18 months ago. It would be hard to find a prediction that was even close to a major top. You really think A/D will stop and not make a new high? TSLA; has been straight again,since bearish projections. GLD; up since your 223 H & S ' no further upside comment. Bonds, TLT, NOT collapsing to 78 but closing in on 100. How can you honestly keep saying " most overvalued" "major top of maybe lifetime" ?? Not even close as the advance, which has to be one of the biggest in $ terms of all our lifetimes, since Nov 2022 and once again, doubling down Dec 2023 , Jan/Feb/Mar 2024. nothing but bearish. Should have honest video about how NOW you are ready, if Monday is up , then " we have a problem" Staggering. It will be pure luck and some seasonality if we get some sell off in mid Sept to early October, before we keep screaming to higher highs. Mid to late 2025 is when you can worry about all your great LONG postions.

staying long, buying the dips.

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