Peter Eliades’ name has been associated with stock market cycles since at least 1974 when his cycles predicted the exact low week of December 9-13, 1974. In 2020, after decades of painstaking progress, Peter released the first fully implemented cycle price projection software, Eliades Cycle Price Projections. Through this website you will access the opportunity to be exposed to this software and his accompanying market commentary.
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Thank you, Peter. The update gave much needed perspective.
Is there any reason NOT to short ndx if you say there are no more upside projections?
Thanks Peter. Much appreciated
So today Friday 08/27/21 the SPX closed at 4509.37 with an intraday-high of 4513.33 and met several projections. The only outstanding projections I recorded (I don't have the software but write everything down) are: SPX 4,521-4,526 & 4,517-4,530 (so 4,521 is sufficient), DJIA 35,817-35,911 (closed today at 35,455.80) and NDX 15,449-15,474 (closed today at 15,432). With a small rally Monday and/or Tuesday they can all be met. We could see a turn-down as early as next Friday Sept 3rd or the following week. Just have to watch out for any further upside projections in the meantime.
Thank you. I can see us approaching 4600 by next Friday. I think we go down after Labor Day though.
Thought I'd post this old article for a bit of weekend reading for members. Peter has excelled at this game for a very long time...
thank you Peter. for members interested I am playing this with VXX 25 calls Jan 20, 2023. This gives sometime within the next 540 days for a move from all time lows of VXX into this start of the next 150 month cycle which Peter thought would be the beginning of a downtrend and the bull market ending around Aug to Nov of 2021 bear market starting then and probably going for next few years or so All we need is a big sell off sometime for the VXX to potentially soar above 100. For perspective, covid crash VXX was at 300+ with calibrated split not sure if it is still weighted the same but still looking for a pop in vix sometime in next year
From September 2000 to January 2, 2001, the NASDAQ dropped 45.9%. Peter warned in Sept of 2000 pain could be coming and to take precautions. Ultimately the NASDAQ dropped approximately 78%. We are lucky to have Peter guiding us. Wish I saw his e-mail earlier today, but I wasn't expecting it. Thanks
Thank you for sharing. Will check out the strategy.
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